Saturday, July 1, 2017

Gypsy Fortune Mixed Media Fabric Book

Just completed my latest fabric book....

Starting with the cover.... layers and layers of hand dyed and hand painted laces and trims....

 Pocket page with your fortune cards...journaling op on the back sides....

 First pocket page with sweet journal for your 'Magical' thoughts....

 Pocket page with mini-journal...
 Pocket page with your fortunes...
 Pocket with spell cards....

 Spell cards with journaling opportunities on the back side....

 More journaling opportunities....
 And, the back cover.

1 comment:

  1. So very stunning, love your books, they are amazing- just found you, through Liz,- Lululiz in Lalaland whom showed your Sufragette book, she once bought !!
    Will put you on my bloglist :-)


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