Thursday, December 30, 2021

Black and White Journal Wallpapers & More

I was fortunate to acquire a beautiful stack of black and white wallpapers from my favorite FABMO non-profit organization. They up-cycle TONS of designer fabrics, wallpapers, and more!  I LOVE the thick wallpaper used in the book cover. A beautiful 'tooth' and texture!

For sale in my Etsy shop HERE.

This yarn is also a find from FABMO! Came from a large ball of multicolored yarn...I was able to cut out a yard of both black and white.
Inside the front cover...a digital paper on the left and beautiful floral wallpaper on the right.
More wallpapers on the left, with a deep tuck, lined writing paper on the right.
A corner tuck, filled with tags.

Here I used both digitals and wallpapers.
right side of a flip out...wallpapers and digitals...waterfall pocket.  You'll notice lots of 'cluster' tuck spots throughout.
Tri-fold, opened up. with bellyband in the center. The center is a beautiful designer wallpaper.
Here's the little journal from under the bellyband.  The designs meet up.
On the left is a sweet piece of designer sheer fabric, with many gentle folds that work perfect as small tuck spots.

Wallpaper on the left, tuck spot. And a corner bellyband on the right.

Bellyband with tags.
Another bellyband with a handmade envelope, with tags.

I love the beautiful ferns black and white (kinda a buff color actually).
Corner tuck spot and corner bellyband.

This is what the corner bellyband looks like. Decorated on both sides...fits snuggly over the corner.
Another cluster tuck spot.

Back inside cover.

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